Welcome to the Camell Lab!

UMN Fall Campus

The Camell lab is part of the Medical Discovery Team on Aging and the Institute on the Biology of Aging and Metabolism at the University of Minnesota.

Age is associated with increased inflammation, visceral adiposity and metabolic disease. The aging of immune cells includes the development of exhausted, inflammatory and senescent phenotypes. Tissue resident immune cells are required for dampening inflammation and maintaining tissue homeostasis. Immune cell drive the increased inflammation and metabolic impairments that are seen with increased age.

Our research is focused in the biology of aging. We are studying the cellular and molecular changes within tissue resident immune cells that drive metabolic impairments in tissues. In particular, we are focused on lipolysis, a metabolic process that is required for the release of energetic substrates from stored triglycerides in adipocytes. Lipolysis is impaired in aged individuals and this impairment may contribute to a worsened ability of elderly to support a productive immune response to infection or maintain a healthy body-weight. We aim to maintain a highly collaborative, independently funded lab, focused on defining inflammatory mechanisms that drive loss of non- lymphoid organ homeostasis and disease during aging and age-related diseases. We are committed to scientific rigor, training and providing a supporting scientific environment. Mentoring and training are also high
priorities of the lab. 

See a press release on a recent publication.

Find information for joining us!

Nils Hasselmo Hall

Our lab is housed in Nils Hasselmo Hall on the Twin Cities Campus.